I am Worthy

Worthy has always been a buzz word in so many ways.

A feeling you have or should have. I am worthy of all I want or desire. I am worthy to receive this or that.

Self-help gurus (at least some I know) state a blanket response as to why their client isn’t producing results. You have to feel worthy of receiving it. You lack worth or self worth and that’s why you don’t have it. This is so toxic to a persons mindset and esteem.

For years I struggled with that toxicity. I listened intently on the words of people I believed were in a better mindset or financial bracket. Where I longed to be and they were there. So it seemed. Until…..

I started to question is this really about worth or is this about my habits? Is this really about me feeling I am worthy because in that moment of time I knew I was worthy of having basic needs met. I knew I was worth my weight in gold. I was worthy of anything I desired. So it wasn’t that. It wasn’t that blanket answer so many have told me or I have heard say to others. So what was it??

Simple. It was just a self defeating tape in my head. It was a series of words put together with a habit that kept me on a loop. It was truly that simple and easy. To shift I didn’t even need to know what the exact words were. I just knew by looking at a daily habit log what it was that I was doing to keep me from achieving my goals and dreams. it had zipola to do with a worthy feeling. That’s someone else’s story they are trying to imprint upon you.

Each of us is so unique, so special. It’s not one size fits all kind of coaching. I learn so much about humans with each human I come into contact with. We all have a story, we all have things that light us up. We all have this uniqueness and that’s what makes us amazing. BUT we all also have these habits that make or break us from achieving what we want in life. Habits. Habits. Habits. And the best thing about habits are we can change them. Sometimes instantly with just a decision and a declaration to not repeat it anymore. Doing the hard or difficult things first. Delaying gratification until you do what needs to be done. Small steps create new habits which in turn shows up in your life. Directly impacting you in a positive (worthy) way or in a stuck pattern.

What’s a habit you can finally declare NO MORE today I will do —— instead. And then go do it!!


Have you ever wondered is this it? Is this all I am supposed to do with my life?

It was a sunny afternoon; I had just put the baby in her car seat, and I walked around to the driver’s side of the car and looked up. I took a deep breath as I opened up the car door and stood there. I said to myself “Is this it? Is this all I am supposed to have in life? Is this all my life is now? Is there nothing more than pay bills and take care of little humans?”

On the outside I had it all together, I laughed daily, I looked for all the positive all around me and it was toxic positivity. I did all the things all my mentors said to do. I did the money rituals, I put crystals in my bra and pockets. I ate healthy, I exercised, I stayed away from toxic people and situations as much as possible and I even dove headfirst into Feng Shui and did all the things to our house and vehicles. I learned everything I could, I applied it and I still felt overwhelmed, burnt out and no flame raging deep inside me. I was in a survival mode and didn’t know it.

No one tells you when you’re a mom to smaller children how easy it is to lose yourself. How it’s easier to throw your hair in a ponytail and wear sweats daily than it is to keep up your prebaby appearance. Getting up all night and you have multiple children that you lose that spark because you go into mom mode. Your business, your career, your wants, your needs, your health, your goals, your housework all get short cutted or even put on the backburner. You are consumed with worry, anxiety and often times you begin this self-talk that isn’t nice at all. No one tells you, you’re doing a good job, or thinks maybe it would be nice if they picked up toys or put away laundry that has been sitting there in the same spot for over three days. You let little things creep in as annoyances, and you have resentment set in. Until one day you are staring up to the sky asking God “Is this it!!?? Is this all my life is supposed to be like?”

That day I was upset and feeling overwhelmed. All the mom feelings and trying to shift back into positivity instead of stopping and feeling through emotions. Instead of asking myself quality questions I was looking outside of myself for answers. Instead of asking myself in what ways are my kids who are driving me crazy teaching me what I am lacking. An example of this was the older kids refused to clean their rooms or keep it clean once I cleaned it. I let frustration and blaming them get under my skin daily. When I finally stopped and asked how they are showing me what I am lacking for myself the answer came to me. I wasn’t showing up in my business daily, I wasn’t doing action steps and they were mirroring this for me. Swear they are our best teachers of areas to work on inside ourselves. When I began to do the action steps, they soon stopped showing up messy in my world.

I had slipped into a version of myself I didn’t think was productive in a way I wanted to be. There isn’t a book out there explaining this or a person being honest about how you view yourself is completely different than when you are a mom. You don’t know until you are knee deep in this shit and trying to sift through it all. It’s crazy!! So, I am here to tell you you’re not alone, there is a way to sift through the emotion and get through it successfully.

First release the guilt of not being a supermom, a super wife and a superwoman. It’s ridiculous to put that much pressure on yourself while you are raising tiny humans and a family. If something isn’t going the way you want it on repeat. Then stop asking why they won’t change. Instead look at what it is teaching you. Look at yourself and see how you are not showing up in your own life. Are you still getting yourself ready in the mornings? Or do you say you are too tired. I get it, I was there, but I also understand now that no matter how tired I am, how exhausted I am I do feel a lot better when I shower, shave and put some make up on. When I chose a nice top and jeans instead of Pj pants, sweats or yoga pants daily. When I show up for myself and my goals it creates a ripple effect for others to show up for me, treat me better and opportunities to come into my life.

Much love


Stinking Thinking

We have been through so much in life. It is like a cycle that will either make you stronger or it will entrap you on a merry-go-round that you cannot get off of. I know you are not supposed to compare yourself to other people, but it seems like we are conditioned to do it. I have always said our kids are the best teachers if we just pay attention.

How many times have you said, “you shouldn’t care what so and so thinks?” “Everyone has opinions” is what I tell our kids, but you do not have to believe what they say. Teaching them to filter out comments, what they hear on TV, electronics or songs is a learned skill. Teaching how to protect your mental health is a must now. There is so much information coming into our brain every single minute I often find myself driving around in the car in silence. Often processing something that I had heard earlier. It wasn’t until recently our youngest even wanted the radio on in the car. How do you filter or decide what will be coming into your brain that you will pay attention to? Have you ever done a thought check all day long? Do you even know what is running in your head when your daydreaming?

For example, how often do you catch yourself imagining a conversation or a situation that either happened in the past or hasn’t even happened yet, but you are having a full-on conversation with yourself about it? Getting upset over it? This is what I am talking about. It is taking up your energy, your time, your emotions and if you get to upset you have now released chemical reaction in your body that you cannot control any longer. Think this through for a moment, if you are upset over a “fake” scenario and you release stress hormones over it, then guess what it was for nothing. You are imagining it, but your brain doesn’t know its imaginary, and thinks the person(s) are standing in front of you and it’s happening in real time. Then your body releases chemicals and those have to run their course. What if it means new break outs (acne), fatigue, irritability, or maybe an on edge feeling for the rest of the day. All because your thoughts weren’t being monitored and filtered.

It’s time to put that talk of self-love into practice and this is something you can do right away. Be selective of what you will allow into your head space. Do not let things occupy it that have no business or right to be in there. Be selective of what you will read or listen to. There is so much disinformation out here now, begin to trust what is right for you. Question what you read, question why it triggers you, question and then listen to your gut.

Learn to quiet your mind and answers will come to you easier. Silence is where you find your answers and direction to go. Meditation, binaural beats, there are so many new technologies to use now. Start new habits to heal your mind and your self-love.

Much love,


Limited Mindset Cure

I cannot tell you how many drives I have been deep in thought. Pondering my life, choices and why I couldn’t shift. Why things keep being the same but me doing differently.

I would often ask “what’s wrong with me?” “Why can’t I do this or that?” “What’s holding me back exactly?” Or some event in my past that I thought held an answer to one of these questions and would examine it over and over.

You know what happens when you ask lousy, low vibe, something is wrong with you kind of questions? You get really shitty feedback and answers. Mostly it’s the same stuff different day. Or same result but in a different shade of it. Frustrating right???

You want change!! You want what you want. Doesn’t all the guru’s state “if it’s in your heart. Or if you can imagine it and feel it’s yours then you can have it” well the ultimate crappy question “why don’t I have it yet!?”

It’s because you are looking at it all wrong. You are coming from a place of lack. You are coming from the angle of block, limits and negativity. You can’t solve anything wallowing in the mud. You have to get out of the mud and stand there saying. Never doing that again. Shift. Turn around and walk, physically, mentally, emotionally walk in a different direction. Start asking yourself instead “who do I need to be that’s opposite of who I have been?” “What can I do to reach that?” “What’s 10 things I can do different?” “What new habit can I start right now?” One would be to think differently.

Asking yourself quality questions is key. Asking yourself “what’s next?” Is key to productivity. My two favorite questions I ask myself are “what’s next and why not” if Someone says you can’t do that I say why not? If I catch myself saying I can’t do that I immediately catch myself and ask why not?

Stop asking self limiting questions!! Start asking good, quality questions!!!

Much love


What’s Holding You Back?

What happens when things are NOT going the way you want? Get discouraged? Throw your hands up and feel like being done with it all? Screw it might be a phrase you think to yourself or out loud. I know the feeling.

Or maybe you want to blame it on the retrograde or so and so did it TO you. Ugh! Why can’t things just go as planned? Right?

Oh I have felt like this so many times. Recently too. Like what the crap? I’m over here in my corner doing my own shit and it’s like a monkey wrench was thrown into the plans and BAM! One or maybe multiple things are NOT going as planned.

Well even though we feel all those different kinds of ways it doesn’t mean we have to lean into those feelings and stop our own progress. Progress no matter how big or small each day is progress. If you do 1% each day, in 100 days you would have accomplished 100% more than doing nothing!! It honestly doesn’t matter if all that other sh*t isn’t going the way it was suppose too!! That is what we think should happen, and if life always happened the way we thought it should, honestly it wouldn’t be that fun!! Surprises wouldn’t happen and people that is what makes life interesting. Stop controlling it all!!

If something isn’t going the exact way you want it, you have discussed the issue and sh*t still isn’t going the way you want. It is time to remind ourselves “this or something better is going to happen”. Shift, change your stance on it so you can keep going forward. Stuck is being stagnant and that won’t do you any good. Stagnant water gets yucky, smelly and moldy!! No you need to move, circulate and get back in there to make ripples and keep going.

Don’t let problems or challenges get you hung up or behind. You change your perspective and the outside world will change and new solutions will come about.

Where can you shift today? How can you think of ways to show up differently. Because in the end, it’s about your inner game, your inner world that shapes your outer reality. It’s go time. Let go of what you think is holding you back and go for it!!

Much love


Arena of Life, Where Do You Stand?

Why did I chose to write a book on such a triggering and touch subject of my past? Why in the world would I put something out into the world that’s a skeleton in my closet? I mean my generation we were told everyone has skeletons in their closet you just don’t talk about yours.

That’s where the problem lies I think. You are damned if you do talk about it but damn inside yourself if you don’t talk about it. It’s like walking around with a Scarlet Letter on every piece of clothing you wear but no one sees it. It’s a stigma, it’s an uneducated old story that doesn’t serve anyone. And most of all keeping things to yourself is not only NOT healthy it doesn’t help anyone, history can repeat if you don’t speak up and shift!!

What I mean by history repeats itself is for so many years I felt like the black sheep of the family. If I came around they didn’t call me by my name I was so and so’s daughter, I was ignored, I was like a painful thorn in their sides. Why? Well my theory is this. I told. I told loud and clear, I chose to stay in this abusers life for my own damn healing. Because there does come a time in healing that you realize it’s an illusion and the best thing is to make a choice for yourself to heal as much as possible in that given moment. So I kept coming around and what I realized when I shifted how I viewed their reactions to me is this. Every time I came around I was an open wound for them. When I appeared or came into town for a visit I was standing my ground and that made them really uncomfortable. I was stepping Into an arena where nothing made sense, it could be triggering and combative but I was there for me. If I was triggering them into uneasiness it’s because of their own back stories, their own unhealed shit and really nothing to do with me. I was a presence of healing and that made them uncomfortable. My soul’s light was bright and I was shining light into their very own cracks. That is HUGE!! Huge to no longer take it personally or being hurt.

But lifelong patterns showed up in different forms, sneaky ass patterns or back stories. They rarely show up the same way twice. But they do show up until you observe, shift and change. It’s not some complicated math formula, it’s not all that difficult once you understand what all the teachers before us taught. Our thoughts, beliefs and actions are all intertwined. They all are one to bring forth our reality into our life. I am very transparent, vulnerable and tell it like it is. I step into this arena of life often and get back up when I fall down. I have come to figure out if your not in that arena of life falling and getting back up but want to offer hurtful words or throw mud. Your a spectator in life not a game changer. Your up in the stands observing what others do. Not down on the field playing the game. And that my friends is what makes the biggest shift in mindset. There is nothing wrong or right with either position. But the game changers you can tell who they are. They don’t throw mud, Spears or hurt. They get it. They understand what it’s like to be a game changer and cheer you on from the ground view.

This is why I chose to stand up and want to help others empower their stories. To play the game of Life and have fun doing it. To achieve and grow to the goals you want. Anything is possible. Only you make it impossible and hard and painful.

Here is the link to our beautiful journey. Join us https://store.bookbaby.com/bookshop/book/bad-things-happened

Much love


New Beginnings

Integration, accepting, forgiveness are all terms I think are used loosely. I am a huge supporter of therapy, talk therapy don’t get me wrong there. But I think traditional therapy needs to be upgraded in so many ways. Why?

I know I’m not the only one that has sat in a therapist office thinking I have been at this for awhile, I’m not where I want to be. I came to a point of realization of is this it? Is this as far as I am going to with releasing, working through the pain, memories are still stored in there I can’t access but I sure as shit can feel. Ugh! I feel like this is as far as I can go. It sucks, that feeling, that frame of mind just sucked. So I did what I always do. I began to think outside the box. I began to learn new ways, I began to ask others questions. You know the people that traditional doctors say not to go to. I mean why the hell not I thought. Has to be better than what I have done so far. It’s time to change it up a bit.

For those who know me I do speak up. I’m not o rely concerned if you think you are an expert. I have had enough people in my life TELL me how I should feel or act or what I should say. Ummm… NO. I can do that for myself and guess what. I can get my point across pretty well despite what you think or say. I know what’s right for me.

I will give you a great example. A “great therapist” once stated to my mom and I when I was a teen. Oh she got the best gift, hardly anyone ever gets an apology, an “I’m sorry for molesting you”. (Insert eye roll) while I’m sure that was true back then because honestly NO ONE hardly ever one admits to it but two apologizes for their actions it doesn’t help one bit when you as the victim know they aren’t sorry!! Or they wouldn’t continue to do it to me or someone else!! That’s not sorry. That’s someone blowing smoke up your ass. So as I stated before they might mean well but your healing comes from your own thoughts, beliefs and intuition on how to clear them. And guess what!! New advances on trauma healing have come around!!

You can fight yourself and everyone else for the deep shame, deep scars, deep pain because for me I had to learn how to integrate that part of me. No longer keep it separate, no longer see myself as two people (so to speak). A person with a happy life and a person that had all this shit to shift through to heal still. Oh heck no. I became a tired mess, adrenal system shot, and running on my mochas two to three times a day. I finally woke up one day and said that’s it. I’m healing this shit once and for all. I dove head first, wrote a book about it https://store.bookbaby.com/bookshop/book/bad-things-happened and learned our livers are where our memories are stored not so much the brain. Yes you read that right. I dove into my past medical career and began to search out exactly what the heck goes on in trauma brain and body. I set intentions to clear it from inside of me and with nutrition I am a lot better than I was even two years ago.

With our new website Empower Your Story.com we will be exploring so much more than just healing your trauma. We will be healing our bodies and minds while having a great time!! Share with you all as much as possible that’s new and exciting.

Encourage you to go buy the book. It’s an inspirational story of mother/daughter journey in healing from my childhood sexual abuse, then enjoy watching us build our website up with so much info.

Much love to you all


Letting Go of Worries Easily

Letting go of worry has been one of the most challenging past times in my brain. Literally as a mom, wife and woman I am constantly planning ahead, preparing for anything that can come our way and then theirs the businesses which for me is a whole other world of worry.

Do any of these sound familiar?

I hope she has a good day at school today, that no one is mean to her (previous story of bullying for our youngest)

How about I hope i didn’t make them upset when I said ……

Or how about worry over money and bills or a trip you want to take and how will it happen?

Whether or not people like me

My numbers on social media because someone once told me that had to be high in order to get paid (they don’t by the way)

How long it’s taking me to do things for my business

Other people’s reactions or words

How I will be viewed or judged.

It’s insane how much we worry everyday, over things that haven’t happened or won’t even happy but we let it take up space in our heads. So I’m doing a challenge with myself. I was going to start March 1st but I believe you can start any day so today is as good as any.

I’m shutting down that worry monkey that sits on my shoulder and whispers in my ear. I’m shutting that monkey down when he jumps up and down on my shoulder saying oh look worry about that now!! I am giving him a vacation to see how much better my life will be once he is re-trained to look for things to be so grateful for and to see we are safe.

Things on my list I’m not worrying about. Yes I have a list. I love my list. I wrote it out before this blog post I will share it with you. Get your paper and pen out and see what you can give up worrying about.

I am no longer available to worry about

Why I’m stuck, whether or not I will be successful. The truth is success is inevitable, and I am always on the right path in my own time.

I’m no longer available for my old stories that keep me in my past, hurt and confused. Everyday in Every way I am getting better and better.

I am no longer available for the “fake” relationships. Either your on board, real, authentic and transparent or your not sitting at my dinner table with us.

I am no longer worrying about the amount of debt we owe. We will be thankful for it and tackle it as we go.

I will no longer be available for worrying over other people’s reactions. They can keep them and it my choice on how I react to it. Truthfully everything is a neutral situation and I assign meaning as I encounter it. So might as well not worry about it and assign a different meaning to it.

How you show up everyday in your life, you show up like it everywhere. If you worry about one thing you worry about a lot. So why not just give worry up for three weeks and see what transpires. It’s just a choice, you don’t have to spend 3 months learning how to do this. This is easy, change in perspective and something you can decide to do today. Like an experiment 😊💖

My intention is to inspire and be the platform to help enrich people’s lives. To help shift and teach how much better life can be in every way.

Much love


Core of Manifesting is Love

What if you began to dissolve your story? Your own sorry that no longer serves you? I know this isn’t a new concept but so many of us love to keep behind a veil of comfort that what we say and what we do, do not match.

Fun exercise. All day today write down, notice and see the words you are saying. Since the universe speaks a certain language and you keep saying the same thing let’s see how YOU are talking and not getting the results you want. It’s one thing to just let our brains go on autopilot all day. But it’s a different view when we actually pay attention, keep track and make the changes we want to see in our everyday lives. This is literally the easiest action step we can do that makes the biggest shift to our lives.

First, since Universe doesn’t speak in negatives. It is an abundant universe so it “ignores” the words “don’t, shouldn’t, couldn’t, wouldn’t and so on”.

I don’t want this debt. Looks like I want this debt.

I hate being this tired. Is I am tired.

I don’t want to be sad anymore. I hate this feeling. Looks like I want to be sad and want to be in this feeling.

When you start to observe how much negative you put with a lacking or limiting belief you keep receiving that belief.

Now this is where I can disagree with people on manifesting in our lives. Yes you can manifest things from a complete chaotic period, during sadness, or even life/death situations. But keep in mind whenever you are creating in that space is the same space you will receive it in.

The best example I can give is you know that pattern in your relationships or love life? Different people but same type of underlying personality trait? Mine for a really long time was narcissistic men that hurt me deeply. Due to a childhood sexual abuse trauma I picked men that looked different, had different jobs, one tall, one medium height, one sporty, the other not sporty, you get the picture. I sought out different but received this trait due to me on the inside. My words I kept saying to myself to create the same scenario even though I didn’t see it right away. I kept manifesting the same type of relationship because I had not healed my inner dialog with myself.

What if we all showed our life we are serious about some change? What if we took these BS stories and learned to re-write new stories everyday? And what if it was easy? What if we filled ourselves up with so much love, from within, gave ourselves what we search for everyday that we could stand firm in our own space and know deep down we can give ourselves what we seek…. LOVE

Love is free. Loved does not cost a damn thing. It’s literally the most powerful force on this earth. We have just shifted away from what we are born with. We have shifted away from our divine right and knowing and that is love. It is the most sought after “thing”. It isn’t even a thing, it is something that naturally occurs inside of us, limitless, non judgemental, unconditional, high vibe thing out there. Get addicted to feeling love for yourself first and everything else falls into place.

Find something right now that you absolutely love. Like it is a warm, tingling feeling of love. It can be anything that brings you this at the moment. Feel it, really feel it!!! Get so vivid with it that you just feel tingly all over. Got it?? Now amplify that feeling (you do this by focusing on the feeling and feeling it even more) I do it by feeling the feeling and imagine wings inside my stomach and I swish them and stir up the feelings to make it feel stronger. Now with this feeling say I love myself this much. I truly love and accept all parts of me this much in this feeling.

What happened?? For most of my clients the feeling like disintegrates for them. It’s like it just disappears, like a light switch it has been turned off or toned down a lot!! This tells me and YOU that you have some self acceptance work to do. That love feeling you have for someone else, for something else is there and if you can feel it that strongly for them/it, you can feel it that strongly for yourself too.

Life is so much better from this view, from this feeling of love. Manifest from a place of love and gratitude because honestly it is so much of a better feeling to stay in. Practice as many times during the day, everyday to feel love and turn it inner. You will be amazed at how much you feel supported, safe, trusting and what life shifts manifest right before your eyes. This isn’t let’s do it a couple of times and see. This is blind faith here and bottom line of learning to love you for you.

Keep track of how you speak to yourself. Write down the phrases you speak about yourself and others. Because what you complain about others is a reflection about your inner world. Observe and shift. It is that easy. Well when you want it to be easy and flowing, it can be.

Much love


Words and Manifesting

Words and Manifesting

Words. They are sooo powerful. They do everything we say they will do and more. They shape shift (if you will) our reality and illusion of this thing we named life.

We all love this illusion called control. We think we know how to get more money, how to get people to do things, how to create, market, sell, exercise, eat right, drive, parent, and even load the dishwasher properly. For each thing we know for sure, I’m willing to bet we can find someone else that can see, be it or do it in a different way that is “better”. We constantly compare ourselves to others and often times we think we are better or we think they are better. We don’t think I am great just the way I am and learn why they showed up for us. It’s our words that have created every single scenario in our lives. Why words? Why does something so simple create so much?

Music is just a bunch of words strung together with beats, right? I mean have you heard some lyrics before about everyday things? I just heard a really fun song yesterday that got stuck in my head about being MarieKon-do (spark of joy, cleaning out your home) and it was so simple and fun. But I literally sang the chorus for a couple of hours!!

Our words affect our thoughts, feelings and the illusion of reality. Everyday, all day and future days.

Let’s do one simple exercise to show my point. Money. Oh everyone loves this topic. “When you decide HOW money shows up in your life the Universe/God matches it. ” okay I love this post I read this morning. But for most they won’t get the one sentence because they haven’t done the inner work to receive more and more money. For most, myself included a long time ago it was separate from me. It was like money was this thing, this unattainable thing I couldn’t receive, get to or have consistently in my life. It was always just out of my reach. I believed my job, my husbands job, odd things I did here and there and held out for miracles in large amounts that came so sporadically. My HOW I though money would show up for me was limited.

Now take today when I woke up and read that statement. I thought and said to myself “hmmmm my response on the thread was in limitless ways” because it’s not about the how. You have to let go of the 1-8 ways you believe it can only come. It can be in limitless ways. That’s the inner work. If you struggle with this and want a shift the easiest way to “prove” to myself this is true I took out a piece of paper and wrote down as many ways money could come to me. (By the way this can be done with anything, health, cure, energy levels, love of life, friends, anything you want) write out all your ways you think and then go on a hunt, watch videos, posts, search out people who have had success in this and figure out how it happened for them. Start conversations and ask people how they think it could come. You seek answers to disprove your own limits. Because really you can find money on the ground, be gifted, computer glitches, I mean it is truly limitless. But your words, and your words alone are what is creating your limits in life. You have set up some pretty thick, serious energetic boundaries and guess what they are easily dissolvable.

One last example, last night I was in a room full of people. We were at indoor trampoline park and I had heard 240 kids were there for this fund raiser. If 240 kids were there and each had one or two adults that’s a lot of people!! I sat there thinking how many adults have I talked to here tonight? I counted quickly, only 7. Wow!! Out of this huge room only 7 people I chose to engage with. Shift this to money, you have only 7 ways you believe you can only receive it. There are a whole lot of people you haven’t talked to, gotten to know, share your story with, inspire, touch or help out. If each person were a $100 bill that’s a lot of dollars you are passing up.

The point is, stop playing small, stop living in the word fear, and get your ass out there and live life. We all have a story. We all have shit in our pasts. We all have shame, guilt, fear and we all can step over it to shine. To teach others, to benefit life in all its supporting ways. Just get out there!

Much love
