I am Worthy

Worthy has always been a buzz word in so many ways.

A feeling you have or should have. I am worthy of all I want or desire. I am worthy to receive this or that.

Self-help gurus (at least some I know) state a blanket response as to why their client isn’t producing results. You have to feel worthy of receiving it. You lack worth or self worth and that’s why you don’t have it. This is so toxic to a persons mindset and esteem.

For years I struggled with that toxicity. I listened intently on the words of people I believed were in a better mindset or financial bracket. Where I longed to be and they were there. So it seemed. Until…..

I started to question is this really about worth or is this about my habits? Is this really about me feeling I am worthy because in that moment of time I knew I was worthy of having basic needs met. I knew I was worth my weight in gold. I was worthy of anything I desired. So it wasn’t that. It wasn’t that blanket answer so many have told me or I have heard say to others. So what was it??

Simple. It was just a self defeating tape in my head. It was a series of words put together with a habit that kept me on a loop. It was truly that simple and easy. To shift I didn’t even need to know what the exact words were. I just knew by looking at a daily habit log what it was that I was doing to keep me from achieving my goals and dreams. it had zipola to do with a worthy feeling. That’s someone else’s story they are trying to imprint upon you.

Each of us is so unique, so special. It’s not one size fits all kind of coaching. I learn so much about humans with each human I come into contact with. We all have a story, we all have things that light us up. We all have this uniqueness and that’s what makes us amazing. BUT we all also have these habits that make or break us from achieving what we want in life. Habits. Habits. Habits. And the best thing about habits are we can change them. Sometimes instantly with just a decision and a declaration to not repeat it anymore. Doing the hard or difficult things first. Delaying gratification until you do what needs to be done. Small steps create new habits which in turn shows up in your life. Directly impacting you in a positive (worthy) way or in a stuck pattern.

What’s a habit you can finally declare NO MORE today I will do —— instead. And then go do it!!

Published by mindsetforlife

I am a mom of 5. We are a blended family and we have an amazing blended family. I am a coach in helping you achieve your impossible dreams and making them possible. I work on the principles of thinking positive thoughts, visualizations, affirmations, and fueling your body and mind with nutrients to help you achieve the possible. Although some days are borderline crazy and not so good (which who's life is perfect?) I love my life and the journey I have had so far. I am an author and currently working on another book to help achieve the impossible limits you set upon yourself. My husband and I have an incredible love story, it's my love story and that's what life is about, making your own stories amazing for yourself. I try to live in the moment and not think to much about the future just knowing it is going to be filled with fun, positivity and laughter is good enough for me. In the process of creating a bigger vision to help others I find myself being open more and more to new ideas and results. The journey is truly the best part even though we all think the end destination is what we will enjoy the most. Trust in the process and enjoy it!! Even when it is NOT going your way, live in gratitude and amazing things will come your way.

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