Stinking Thinking

We have been through so much in life. It is like a cycle that will either make you stronger or it will entrap you on a merry-go-round that you cannot get off of. I know you are not supposed to compare yourself to other people, but it seems like we are conditioned to do it. I have always said our kids are the best teachers if we just pay attention.

How many times have you said, “you shouldn’t care what so and so thinks?” “Everyone has opinions” is what I tell our kids, but you do not have to believe what they say. Teaching them to filter out comments, what they hear on TV, electronics or songs is a learned skill. Teaching how to protect your mental health is a must now. There is so much information coming into our brain every single minute I often find myself driving around in the car in silence. Often processing something that I had heard earlier. It wasn’t until recently our youngest even wanted the radio on in the car. How do you filter or decide what will be coming into your brain that you will pay attention to? Have you ever done a thought check all day long? Do you even know what is running in your head when your daydreaming?

For example, how often do you catch yourself imagining a conversation or a situation that either happened in the past or hasn’t even happened yet, but you are having a full-on conversation with yourself about it? Getting upset over it? This is what I am talking about. It is taking up your energy, your time, your emotions and if you get to upset you have now released chemical reaction in your body that you cannot control any longer. Think this through for a moment, if you are upset over a “fake” scenario and you release stress hormones over it, then guess what it was for nothing. You are imagining it, but your brain doesn’t know its imaginary, and thinks the person(s) are standing in front of you and it’s happening in real time. Then your body releases chemicals and those have to run their course. What if it means new break outs (acne), fatigue, irritability, or maybe an on edge feeling for the rest of the day. All because your thoughts weren’t being monitored and filtered.

It’s time to put that talk of self-love into practice and this is something you can do right away. Be selective of what you will allow into your head space. Do not let things occupy it that have no business or right to be in there. Be selective of what you will read or listen to. There is so much disinformation out here now, begin to trust what is right for you. Question what you read, question why it triggers you, question and then listen to your gut.

Learn to quiet your mind and answers will come to you easier. Silence is where you find your answers and direction to go. Meditation, binaural beats, there are so many new technologies to use now. Start new habits to heal your mind and your self-love.

Much love,


Published by mindsetforlife

I am a mom of 5. We are a blended family and we have an amazing blended family. I am a coach in helping you achieve your impossible dreams and making them possible. I work on the principles of thinking positive thoughts, visualizations, affirmations, and fueling your body and mind with nutrients to help you achieve the possible. Although some days are borderline crazy and not so good (which who's life is perfect?) I love my life and the journey I have had so far. I am an author and currently working on another book to help achieve the impossible limits you set upon yourself. My husband and I have an incredible love story, it's my love story and that's what life is about, making your own stories amazing for yourself. I try to live in the moment and not think to much about the future just knowing it is going to be filled with fun, positivity and laughter is good enough for me. In the process of creating a bigger vision to help others I find myself being open more and more to new ideas and results. The journey is truly the best part even though we all think the end destination is what we will enjoy the most. Trust in the process and enjoy it!! Even when it is NOT going your way, live in gratitude and amazing things will come your way.

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